Early Learning - Birth to Age Five

Supporting you in helping your children learn and enjoy mathematics from birth to age five.

The California Mathematics Council (CMC) believes the first five years of children’s lives are a critical time for learning, and that parents play a critical role in supporting their children’s earliest mathematics learning. CMC wants to help parents give young children their first positive experiences in mathematics.

The booklet, Early Learning: Math at Home, and this webpage are CMC's way of supporting families—and organizations that work with families—in our efforts to give young children a wonderful start in learning mathematics. The CMC professional development committee developed PowerPoint slides and agendas for organizations to use with their communities.

This preK guide to mathematics education was written expressly with parents and guardians of children, birth to age five, as the primary audience. We ask your help in sharing Early Learning: Math at Home and its individual PDF articles, with the families of preschool, daycare, and children’s centers that you know and work with. Help the California Mathematics Council improve mathematics learning for all children! 

Funded by a grant from the Heising-Simons Foundation


Click on individual articles to download them. A full copy of the booklet in English and Spanish can be downloaded for free.

Welcome your children to math

Bienvenidos niños al mundo de las matemáticas

Giving your child a good start in math

Dele a sus niños un buen Comienzo en las matemáticas

Finding mathematics everywhere

Encontrando las matemáticas en todas partes

The earliest mathematics learning

Aprendizaje temprano de las matemáticas: 0–5 años

The role of play in learning math

El papel del juego en el aprendizaje de las matemáticas

Math games to play with young children

Juegos de matemáticás para jugar con niños pequeños

Counting and young children

Enseñando a los niños pequeños cómo contar

Math, reading, and language together

Las matemáticas, la lectura, y el lenguaje juntos

Engaging English-language learners

Participación de los niños que están aprendiendo inglés

Getting ready for kindergarten

Cómo prepararse para el kinder y más allá

Math resources for parents

Recursos para ayudar su niño con las matemáticas