Member Info/Join/Renew


You can join or renew your membership via credit card or by check/purchase order. Current members are sent renewal emails about 1 month before their membership expires. Use the link at the bottom of the email to renew online. 

To update your information, log in to your profile.

CMC Membership is:
  • $60 for 1 year, regular
  • $110 for 2 years, regular
  • $30 for full-time students, student-teachers, and retired educators

Life Membership is:

  • $700, ages 40 and under
  • $600, ages 41 to 55
  • $400, ages 56 and over

CMC Code of Conduct

We also encourage you to join:

Foreign Delivery

Please pay in US funds. We have long maintained no extra mail charge for our regular foreign members and will continue to do so for as long as possible. Students and retired individuals asking for foreign delivery should sign up as one or two-year regular members.