CMC AffiliatesOur local affiliated groups are listed here, with links to further information in most cases. We encourage you to join one as an excellent way to get involved, and to extend your influence in improving mathematics education beyond your immediate classroom, school and district. Limited time offer! Get a discount on joint CMC and local affiliate memberships. See the bottom of this page for details.Refer to Section Membership for some additional information on our three sections. Dues are $10 each, except as noted. The eight counties of our Southern Section are served by the following affiliates, arranged more or less from northwest to southeast:
The Central Section is served by:
The remaining counties in the state (and Northern Nevada) are served by the 11 Northern Section affiliates:
In addition we have ‘Interest Group’ affiliates serving our community college membership: Affiliate Leaders – update Affiliate Information online For national groups, please go to their sites for membership information: