Call for Articles

The ComMuniCator seeks activities and articles on issues of interest to K–12 mathematics educators in California. The criteria for manuscript submission include the following:

  • The activity/article will be of interest to the members of the California Mathematics Council.
  • The submission is innovative and not currently in widespread use in classrooms.
  • The mathematics content is up-to-date, appropriate, and accurate.
  • If the article or activity has been previously published, specific information about when and where the article was published is included.

The CMC ComMuniCator Editorial Review Panel will give priority to manuscripts related to the themes listed on the inside back cover of each CMC ComMuniCator, but will also consider articles on any facet of mathematics education in California. 

For activities and articles, submit one word-processed (ex. Microsoft Word, Google Doc, or Adobe PDF), double-spaced in a 12-point common font (ex. Arial, Calibri, Palatino Linotype, or Times New Roman). The manuscript should be submitted with the author’s full name, address, e-mail address, work site and location of work included. Authors may submit articles through e-mail or mail to the editor. Since readers may want to contact authors, authors should indicate whether or not the e-mail address can be published with the article. Submission lengths are typically between 500 to under 2500 words; the Editorial Panel may edit the length or split longer articles into multiple articles published in separate editions. References, resources, or a bibliography, should be Chicago Style formatting. 

When submitting classroom activities, include not only what the teacher is doing during the activity, but what the students are doing, what the teacher should watch for, and how the teacher can respond to students. Also include as much information as possible about the activity such as the background of the activity, major concepts covered, specific skills used, math content standards, math practice standards, targeted grade level(s), materials needed, background of the activity, preparation required, and directions or procedures. Optional information that can be included are assessments or evaluations, support, extensions, enrichments, or a conclusion.

We also welcome high-resolution digital images, original artwork, or examples of student work to accompany articles. Diagrams and figures should be drawn by computer, if possible, or neatly drawn in black ink. If submitting articles by e-mail, please scan photographs and send them as separate files. Email digital images with the following graphic file formats: AI, AIT, BMP, EPDF, EPS, GIF, INDD, JPEG, PDF, PSD, SVG, SVGZ, or TIFF (saved as tif, eps, or gif files). If submitting student work or pictures of students, be sure to include a statement that permissions from the students and their parents to use the student work or pictures is on file at the school. 


The ComMuniCator Editorial Panel reserves the right to edit and format manuscripts before they are published. Once an article or activity is published, it becomes the property of the California Mathematics Council, unless prior arrangements have been made with the editor.


Submit manuscripts to:


Crystal Davis
40485 Murrieta Hot Springs Suite B4 106
Murrieta, CA 92563
[email protected]


Themes for Future Issues

The ComMuniCator Panel is now accepting submissions for the December 2020 issue and the Grades K­–6th and 6th–12th Special Editions for 2020–2021The deadline is September 4.

The themes for the December 2020 issue of the ComMuniCator are: Using Multiple Representations with Open-Ended Questions and Equity and Social Justice in the Mathematics Classroom.

The themes for the Grades K-6th and 6th-12th Special Editions are: Games and Puzzles across the Grades K–12.

Included on pages 5-7 of the ComMuniCator, June 2020 edition, is a brief description of each theme. CMC members can find this publication in the member’s only section of the CMC website at    Log into your member’s only account at to view more information about submissions on the inside back cover of each issue or at the CMC website at If you have questions about submitting an article or activity, contact Crystal Davis at [email protected].

Are you looking for a specific topic or lesson? Each ComMuniCator September issue contains an index that lists all of the articles and activities for the year. Log into your member’s only account at to view past ComMuniCators from 1999 to the present.